Immerse yourself deeply in the unconscious and come on a journey into unknown worlds: Free your home from the limits of the rational and let your mind wander with these surrealistic art prints.
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The idea behind surrealist art and literature is to free what we usually tend to suppress in everyday life: our irrational, unconscious mind - to liberate thought, language and imagery. The surrealist movement (1924-1966) assumed that the unconscious mind not only produced dreams, but was also the source of artistic creativity.
Dive into the unknown and let our international artists take you on a journey to the many different worlds of the sub-conscious. Make your home a place where your mind can wander. Liberate your walls from the confining boundaries of rationalism.
You can get your wall art on our premium poster prints, fine art paper, acrylic glass prints or on aluminum. Check photo lab if you'd like to print also some of your own images.
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