With a Gustav Klimt art print, you bring the magic of the Austrian Art Nouveau artist into your home. Browse through our collection of Gustav Klimt wall art and enjoy the beauty and subtle elegance of his masterpieces – from intricate portraits to fascinating patterns, our Gustav Klimt posters bring the Art Nouveau into your life.
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For each art print you buy, we plant trees in Äthiopien
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If an original work by Gustav Klimt is temporarily beyond your budget, our Gustav Klimt posters are the perfect choice. They are not only affordable but also of outstanding quality, making them ideal for framing. If you'd like to skip the framing process, we also offer the option to order your Gustav Klimt poster from us pre-framed with a mat. Our Gustav Klimt posters come in various sizes and can also be purchased as canvas, acrylic glass prints, or Alu Dibond. Add a touch of elegance and timeless beauty to your home with Gustav Klimt posters.
At Photocircle, we value not only art but also the environment. With every purchase of a Gustav Klimt poster from us, you contribute to making the world a bit greener because we plant trees. This way, you can not only enjoy Gustav Klimt's art in your home but also do something good for our planet and the people in our project regions.
Gustav Klimt was an Austrian painter and one of the most prominent representatives of Art Nouveau. He was born on July 14, 1862, in Baumgarten, Austria. Klimt is renowned for his decorative and erotically charged paintings, including the famous work "The Kiss." His unique blend of symbolism and Art Nouveau has had a lasting impact on the art world, continuing to inspire artists to this day.
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