Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's art captures the essence of German Expressionism with its vibrant colors and dynamic compositions. Each Kirchner wall print brings a piece of his innovative spirit and emotional intensity into your space.
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Now, your new Kirchner artwork just needs to be hung on the wall. But how? Kirchner's expressionist works are often vibrant and colorful, although he also created some beautiful black-and-white pieces. If you prefer his colorful motifs and like it brilliant and high-quality, then our acrylic glass prints are the right choice. If glossy isn't your preference but you still prefer it modern and elegant, then our aluminum dibonds are your best bet. If you're more of the cozy type who prefers it a bit warmer and more traditional, then our canvas prints or framed posters are perfect for you. Our posters are our bestsellers and ideal for those who already have a suitable frame at home.
In general, we recommend framed pictures for our prints of the old masters. However, it doesn't have to be our framed posters. For a slightly more modern look, you can also order our canvas prints, aluminum dibonds, or acrylic glass prints with stylish shadow gap frames from us.
Whichever of our products you choose in the end, we guarantee that you will be delighted with the quality of our wall art. If you're unsure which product suits you and your interior style best, feel free to email us at We'll get back to you promptly and gladly advise you via email or phone.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was a significant German expressionist, born on May 6, 1880, in Aschaffenburg. He is primarily known for his dynamic paintings that depict the cultural and social atmosphere of early 20th-century Germany. Kirchner was a co-founder of the artist group "Die Brücke," which played a key role in the development of German expressionism. His works are characterized by bold colors, distorted forms, and a vibrant brushstroke technique that enhances the emotional intensity of his subjects.
Kirchner passed away on June 15, 1938, in Davos, Switzerland, at the age of 58. His death is often associated with the political and health challenges he faced in the last years of his life. Kirchner left a lasting legacy in the art world, as his works significantly influenced the development of expressionism. Furthermore, his artistic experiments and pursuit of individual expression inspired many subsequent generations of artists grappling with themes of identity, style, and society. Today, Kirchner's works are exhibited in prestigious museums worldwide, and his innovative spirit continues to thrive in contemporary art.
At Photocircle, our core mission is straightforward: we aim to give back to the communities and nations that contribute to the uniqueness of our images. That's why for every art print sold, Photocircle and its artists donate part of the proceeds to a humanitarian, environmental or development project in the country or region where the picture is from. That way, we can give back to the people and places that make our images unique. As both Photocircle and its artists wave a part of the proceeds, you get beautiful art and the chance to make a difference without having to pay more yourself.
In 2020, we launched our reforestation project in Ethiopia. Our objective is to plant one million trees, a venture that will not only sequester millions of kilograms of CO₂ but also enhance the living standards of the inhabitants in our reforestation areas. Further information about our projects can be found in the 'About Us' section.
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