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Tutoring for children with a migration background

A Project By Schülerpaten Berlin


Project Status

Project Goal: $1,046.00
Financed: $1,046.43
Missing: $0.00

Tutoring for children with a migration background

Project Goals

By supporting Schülerpaten Berlin, you help arrange for individual tutoring for children with a migration background.

Project Location

Germany, Europe

Project Details

Schülerpaten Berlin e.V. sets up one-on-one mentoring between German speaking volunteers and children with a migration background in Berlin. As of late, our mentees also include refugee children, who have found a new home in Berlin.

Our volunteers provide individual tutoring once a week for at least 90 minutes and help with every day problems. Since the mentoring takes place in the children's own homes, prejudice is reduced on both sides and close relationships develop. We also provide financial means for recreational activities between mentor and mentee, so that their relationship is not solely restricted to tutoring. The mentoring lasts for at least a year and can thus have a sustainable impact. Schülerpaten Berlin e.V. qualifies their volunteers through seminars, which convey educational skills as well as knowledge and understanding of the Arab culture.

Through our work, we improve educational opportunities while bringing people together, who would have probably never met otherwise. The training and placement of one volunteer costs €150. With your support, Schülerpaten Berlin e.V. will be able to train and place tutors for six more children.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.