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School Meals – a full stomach makes it easier to study

A Project By German Doctors


Project Status

Project Goal: $2,093.00
Financed: $2,092.86
Missing: $0.00

School Meals – a full stomach makes it easier to study

Project Goals

With € 1800 we can provide 50 students one year with school meals.

Project Location

Bangladesh, Asia

Maurice Ressel Maurice Ressel
Maurice Ressel Maurice Ressel
Maurice Ressel Maurice Ressel
Maurice Ressel Maurice Ressel

Project Details

In Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, German Doctors ensures that boys and girls are not only well educated in their slum schools, but also receive healthy, nutritious lunches – for many families, this is the main (and sometimes only) incentive to send their children to school.

Only € 3 are enough to feed a student lunch for an entire month

Since 1991, the Bengali coordinator of German Doctors, Mr. Babul Aminul Hoque, is building schools for slum children in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka. He comes from a very poor background himself and therefore wants to provide slum children with the opportunity to attend school, in order to give them the tools for a better future.

In the schools, nearly 1,600 children receive a basic education now. After leaving school, they have the opportunity to attend a pre-vocational course – for example as a hairdresser or in the field of computer use.

Besides the low level of education, Bangladesh has another major problem: large parts of the poor population are malnourished. Therefore, in addition to the lessons, students are provided with food every day to prevent malnutrition and associated sequelae.

For many parents, this free meal is an important incentive to send their children to school at all – particularly girls benefit from this.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.