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Satellite communication that saves lives

A Project By Sea Watch


Project Status

Project Goal: $581.00
Financed: $581.35
Missing: $0.00

Satellite communication that saves lives

Project Goals

"Sea Watch" will function as a floating phone booth just off the Libyan coast, which will be used for maritime search and rescue. To report a boat in distress and inform relevant authorities, the organization needs reliable satellite communication for reporting and for cooperation with other institutions. To this end, monthly costs of €500 arise.

Project Location

Germany, Europe

Project Details

If you don't turn a blind eye, you know that the prevailing situation of refugees in the Mediterranean is still catastrophic. Sea-Watch wants to save lives, raise awareness and make it impossible to look away - this includes regular reporting via satellite communications. Sea-Watch is now on its way from Hamburg to the Mediterranean, in order to patrol the Libyan coast and look for refugees in distress and to administer first aid in case of need (medical assistance, provision of drinking water, food, life jackets and life rafts); advocate for the rights of refugees; inform the authorities and wait until help arrives; report on the the situation on the ground and cooperate closely with other institutions working to help the refugees.

Sea-Watch see themselves as a "floating eye at sea". They will not take any refugees aboard - but assist ships and boats in distress, and summon the help they need by making sure the responsible countries fulfill their duties. The measures they take always correspond with international guidelines and are approved by the responsible rescue authorities.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.