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Music for all children

A Project By SZ Advent Calendar for Good Deeds


Project Status

Project Goal: $1,163.00
Financed: $1,162.70
Missing: $0.00

Music for all children

Project Goals

With its project "Music for all children", the Adventskalender der guten Werke der Süddeutschen Zeitung supports children in Munich: many children have parents who live on Hartz IV, receive social assistance or housing benefits. There is usually no money left for things like musical education – the Adventskalender wants to help!

Project Location

Germany, Europe

Project Details

Attending music lessons, learning to play an instrument? For many children from socially disadvantaged families in Munich that’s not an option. Their parents don’t have the resources to pay for lessons and buying an instrument remains a dream for most.

A few years ago, the SZ-Adventskalender and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra initiated the project "Music for Children". Today, the BR Symphony Orchestra regularly supports children and their families through the proceeds of tickets for charity concerts. As the artists waive their fees, the SZ Adventskalender is able to use this money to fund musical projects so that, for example, students can rent instruments from the municipal school of music. In addition, initiatives are supported that give children from low-income families access to music lessons, so that they can use the power of music towards integration and inclusion.

The “Hilfswerk der Süddeutschen Zeitung“ supports many smaller musical projects in the region, provides the most deprived with concert tickets, funds music therapies for ill children and subsidizes a choir project for children and youth with disabilities.

Mariss Jansons, chief musical director of the BR Symphony Orchestra, and other celebrities such as Anne-Sophie Mutter support the project "Music for Children" regularly in keeping with the motto "music is as important as mathematics".

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.