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Meals for malnourished children

A Project By German Doctors


Project Status

Project Goal: $0.00
Financed: $0.00
Missing: $0.00

Meals for malnourished children

Project Goals

With Euro 1,000 we can feed over 50 malnourished children in Nairobi for a month.

Project Location

Kenya, Africa

Project Details

The slums in the Kenyan capital Nairobi are getting bigger and bigger. For example, in the Mathare Valley slum, around 500,000 people live in confined spaces - many of them are undernourished and infectious diseases are spreading rapidly.

In our outpatient department, we treat people and, for example, look after the many HIV-infected and AIDS patients so that they have a chance of survival and further infections can be avoided.

In children, the lack of nutrition is the biggest problem. Therefore, our volunteer doctors work hard to reduce malnutrition among children in Nairobi. Depending on their age and the degree of malnutrition, the youngest slum dwellers receive help in our feeding center: infants, who are not or only insufficiently breastfed receive milk substitute food; older children are fed high medical calorie food under medical supervision.

In addition, we also have those children in mind, who are only slightly malnourished or run the risk of slipping into malnutrition. In order to give them the chance of a healthy development, up to 400 warm meals are given to the adolescents every day in our feeding center.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.