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Aftercare for Survivors of Human Trafficking

A Project By A21


Project Status

Project Goal: $965.00
Financed: $965.04
Missing: $0.00

Aftercare for Survivors of Human Trafficking

Project Goals

With EUR 370 we can finance an eye exam for a survivor of human trafficking in North Carolina, USA. A further EUR 460 funds a field trip together with other survivors in order to help them enjoy life again.

Project Location

United States, North America

Project Details

Our Aftercare Program in the US is a type of transitional model for survivors of human trafficking. Our survivors live independently of us, while we work with them on a day-to-day basis to get them the assistance they need for full restoration. In all our aftercare offices and shelters globally, we provide victim services through our staff and key partnerships to ensure all of our survivors’ needs are met. A21 has identified that since each location and individual is unique, our offices and programs must be built to meet these individual needs. Thus, each A21 location is formatted to complement the efforts of local law enforcement and to assist each survivor according to their specific case.

When a survivor enters our care, an important first step is to have medical exams. This includes eye exams. It's important to remember that they might not have had a checkup in years or in some cases, ever. By providing an eye exam, you are helping to give the gift of sight.‬

Through field trips on the other hand, we want survivors to start enjoying life again and we want to ensure we provide fun in their daily lives. A field trip might be an opportunity to go out to the beach for the day or go ride horses etc. A day to relax and have fun. This is a critical part to their restoration journey.‬

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.