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Skateistan Cambodia

A Project By Skateistan


Project Status

Project Goal: $814.00
Financed: $813.87
Missing: $0.00

Skateistan Cambodia

Project Goals

Skateistan uses skateboarding as a tool for empowering youth, to create new opportunities and the potential for change.

Since Skateistan began in 2007 we've found that youth of all ethnicities, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds love to skateboard. Skateistan brings them together, equipping young men and women to lead their communities toward social change and development.

With 600 Euros we can provide 3 youths with access to skateboarding and arts education in Cambodia for 6 months

Project Location

Cambodia, Asia

Skateistan Skateistan
Skateistan Skateistan
Skateistan Skateistan
Skateistan Skateistan

Project Details

Skateistan began as a grassroots 'Sport for Development' project on the streets of Kabul in 2007, and is now an award-winning, international NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) with projects in Afghanistan and Cambodia. Skateistan is the first international development initiative to combine skateboarding with educational outcomes.  Skateistan is non-political, independent, and inclusive of all ethnicities, religions and social backgrounds. Skateistan aims to always be an innovative social project with quality.

We use skateboarding as a tool for empowering youth, to create new opportunities and the potential for change

Skateboarding is simply "the hook" for engaging with hard-to-reach young people. Skateistan's development aid programs work with growing numbers of marginalized youth through skateboarding, and provide them with new opportunities in cross-cultural interaction, education, and personal empowerment programs.

In Cambodia, Skateistan's participants come from diverse backgrounds, and include over 40% female students, streetworking children, and nearly 20% are youth with disabilities. In the skatepark and classrooms they develop skills in skateboarding, leadership, civic responsibility, multimedia, and creative arts, exploring topics such as environmental health, culture/traditions, natural resources, and peace.  The students themselves decide what they want to learn - Skateistan connects them with a safe space and opportunities for them to develop the skills that they consider important.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.