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A sponsorship for Erik in Brazil

A Project By Plan International


Project Status

Project Goal: $456.00
Financed: $455.77
Missing: $0.00

A sponsorship for Erik in Brazil

Project Goals

This project grants three-year-old Erik a sponsorship for one year. The sponsorship supports the communal development of the area by sustaining children's rights and investing in their education.

Project Location

Brazil, Latin America and Caribbean

Plan Plan
Plan Plan

Project Details

Erik will be four years old soon. He lives in the region of Itaqui-Bacanga where he attends a nursery school. He lives in a house with his mother, sister and other relatives. The locals of Itaqui-Bacanga have built the houses of their village collaboratively, most of them have African ancestry and have been living here since 1977.

With the support of different organisations the community has furthermore built a health centre, a day-care-center and water supply systems. But sanitary facilities are still lacking as well as a proper waste disposal, pavements and roads. Erik and the other children sometimes suffer from health problems due to the dust and mud.

A sponsorship for Erik can counteract these problems. With your support roads could be paved, public transport and the supply of drinking water will be improved and extended. The organisation Plan International also plans to build a new school and recreational facilities with the help of sponsorships.

A sponsorship costs 28 € a month. According to Plan's approach communal development is reinforced by sustaining children's rights and by breaking the circle of poverty and the subsequent inability of children to participate in social processes. Thus children like Erik, their families and communities are actively involved in different projects and programmes.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.