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Sponsor Jyoti in India

A Project By Plan International


Project Status

Project Goal: $260.00
Financed: $260.13
Missing: $0.00

Sponsor Jyoti in India

Project Goals

With your support we sponsor three-year-old Jyoti in a tiny village in Uttar Pradesh for one year. The sponsorship will help to establish education, health and sanitary facilities in the area.

Project Location

India, Asia

Plan Plan
Plan Plan
Plan Plan

Project Details

Three-year-old Jyoti lives in a small village in Mirzapur, an area in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh in India. Like most villagers, Jyotis family lives in a small house made of clay bricks with a rooftop consisting of clay and straw. While the landscapes are undulating and prone to droughts, more than 90 percent of the community members still depend on agricultural earnings. There are hardly any paved roads on which Jyoti could make her way to a school. But there is not even a school for her to attend in the area.

Early education is a focal aim to be pursued by the sponsorship. According to the approach of the organisation Plan International communal development is reinforced by sustaining children's rights and by breaking the circle of poverty and the subsequent inability of children to participate in social processes. Thus children like Jyoti, her families and communities are actively involved in different projects and programmes.

Furthermore the sponsorship helps to establish a reliable health care system. Jyoti has been suffering from a fever which she has luckily overcome after seeing a local medical assistant. The next health facility is more than two hours away. Health care also includes providing an access to safe drinking water. Hardly any of the villagers possess their own sanitary facilites, water can be drawn from a public waterpipe about 2 km away from Jyotis home.

The sponsorship offers social and economic support to Jyoti and her family. It costs 28 € a month.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.