Until Midnight: 20% discount on all prints with the voucher code WALL20 – Calendars are already discounted! Until Midnight: 20% discount on all prints with the voucher code WALL20 – Calendars are already discounted!

The relief operation began in 1948, after SZ editors' calls to donate money and winter clothes for those in Munich who had been bombed - and had thus lost their homes and belongings. Today, the SZ Advent Calendar can no longer accept donations in kind due to organizational reasons. With monetary donations, however, they still support people in need as they did then. Thanks to cooperations with social community centers, youth services, district administration offices, the city of Munich, as well as many aid projects and charities, donations reach those in need without any deductions. All administrative costs are covered by Süddeutsche Verlag.

Student Lunch

Student Lunch

The SZ project "Student Lunch" provides children in Munich and the region a free hot meal at school and in childcare facilities. Many pupils from low-income families miss lunch at school as their parents aren't

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100 %
Project goal: $1,163
$30.52 Missing

Student Lunch

Student Lunch

The SZ project "Student Lunch" provides children in Munich and the region a free hot meal at school and in childcare facilities. Many pupils from low-income families miss lunch at school as their parents aren't

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100 %
Project goal: $1,163
$0.00 Missing

Music for all children

Music for all children

With its project "Music for all children", the Adventskalender der guten Werke der Süddeutschen Zeitung supports children in Munich: many children have parents who live on Hartz IV, receive social assistance o

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100 %
Project goal: $1,163
$17.98 Missing

Student Lunch

Student Lunch

The SZ project "Student Lunch" provides children in Munich and the region a free hot meal at school and in childcare facilities. Many pupils from low-income families miss lunch at school as their parents aren't

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0 %
Project goal: $0
$0.00 Missing
Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.