We financed our first project!!!

Yippie!!!!! Today we financed our first project!!! Thanks to your support, we could buy a family of the Tuareg nomads in Niger two young goats. With the animals the family can start to build a small herd which will be the basis for a new livelihood. Have a look at the project description on our website here. A young goat costs the equivalent to € 30.

To ensure a sustainable development in the community the family agreed to give the first pup that is born to the community. This way also families benefit from the project.

“We thank you for the support of our work and hope that you continue to support us in the future in order to help even more people worldwide.”

This is what Stephanie Nicolai from Care wrote us yesterday. By “you” she meant not only us but but especially also YOU. You – our clients and photographers – are the ones that closed our first circle! Without you, we couldn’t bring you this happy news today. That’s way the certificate from Care below is also dedicated to you. Thank you guys for your great support!

We will now continue to work hard so that we will soon finance our next project. This was just the beginning! A very nice one though…

Spendenzertifikat Care

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 421.579 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.726.320 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.