Beyond being very cute, goats and pigs are a valuable addition to a family. Many families in Asia and Africa depend on their cattle (cows, pigs, goats or camels) as their only source of income. These days climate change is increasingly threatening their way of life. Due to long periods of drought many of their animals die.
With your support, CARE works to prevent this development through the construction of schools, wells and village shops – and through increasing the livestock. Each family will receive a couple of goats or a piglet which serve as a basis to build their own herd.
In Myanmar, families will receive a piglet that represents a new source of income. A piglet costs 50 Euro and can help farmers and their families to find a way out of poverty. Families in Niger will receive a pair of breeding goats. They can produce baby goats, which can then be traded or sold to another family for vegetables, fruit and other necessities. The price for one pair is 60 Euro. Help financing piglets and goats for poor families by buying one of our photos an canvas, Alu Dibond or acrylic glass.