Starting Photocircle

Starting your business is very hard. At the beginning there is just an idea and everything seems very simple. But the idea is nothing. Executing the idea is the real work. Once you have started, there are so many things you have to consider and when you think you have it all figured out, something new pops up. You need a strong team, great idea, strong business model, capital, great partners, power of endurance, faith in your idea, yourself and your team and last but not least, luck and the right point in time. People continuously doubt what you are doing and as months pass by it becomes increasingly difficult to justify what you are doing before your family, closest friends and in the end before yourself. You quit your job, have no income and no certainty that this will change anytime soon.

Since we have started with our vision to revolutionize the process of buying and selling photos and make an online photo gallery, we have changed our concept and business model over and over again. But the core, the essence of our idea has remained largely the same and gotten stronger over the months we have been working on this project. We don’t want to be just another online photo gallery. We want to give you the opportunity to give back to the people who make your photo unique. We want to bring people together to close the circle of your photo. We want to be social and want you to be social as well. We believe in our idea. That is what keeps us going. Stay tuned to see whether we will succeed.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 417.595 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.407.600 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.