Photocircle Magazine

Learn more about interior trends,
our social projects, artists and much more

We have, of course, always known that this one here’s a beauty. But now Florian Büttner’s photo “Bromo 01” was officially awarded Bronze in the “Mountains” category of the One Eyeland World’s Top 10 Landscape Photographers 2017 Photo Contest.

Art for a better world? You know that one already. Now it’s time for us to spread our wings and introduce ourselves to a new audience, at a great location: What? Exhibition opening and live music by Jillski When? October 7th from 5pm Where? KUNST100, Görlitzer Str. 52, 10997 Berlin

“Sleep is the best meditation”, the Dalai Lama says. We trust him on that, given that he’s a bit of an expert in the realm of meditation. Yet, one thing is true for both sleep and meditation: it’s not always easy to do a good job there. So we’re here to help – let’s create an environment […]

Finally – summer is here and long-awaited sunrays let the green of the plants and trees in front of our windows shine bright. The perfect opportunity to integrate a little more green into our everyday life as well! Why? Because green is a very special color: it signifies life, freshness and fertility, relaxation, confidence and new beginnings […]

Photocircle photographer Eva Stadler is a journalist, editor and project manager from Munich, Germany. She loves design and typography, and adores surprising photography. On Eva sells a selection of her pictures and supports development and humanitarian projects through her sales. Every destination has its own culture, peculiarities and sights. How do you do your […]

Since these things go like hot cakes, we got some new vintage picture frames by LUNA designs for our Berlin gallery. Our curator picked the perfect Photocircle print for each frame and voilà: stunning new combinations for your wall.

Allow us to introduce our new project partners to you: Lensational, Tibet Charity Denmark, Runners Without Borders and A21. As has always been our motto, we keep on diversifying the causes as well as the locations of our humanitarian and development projects as much as possible, so that we can reach marginalized people of all […]

You live in them. You cross them. You climb up and down or on them. You look out of them. You walk through them. However, houses, bridges, stairs, windows and doors can be much more than just objects of everyday use. The genre of architectural photography offers so much, which makes the hearts of those beat […]

Ho ho ho! Is that you, Santa? Might as well be. It’s almost Christmas time again and we would like to inspire you to get your loved ones beautiful and meaningful presents this year, all at the same time: whenever you purchase our one of a kind wall art, photo calendars or postcard sets, Photocircle and […]

The Berliners are unfriendly and inconsiderate, gruff and self-opinionated, Berlin is repulsive, loud, dirty and grey, construction works and blocked streets wherever you go. But I feel sorry for those who can’t live here. Anneliese Bödecker

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 421.579 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.726.320 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.