Photocircle Magazine

Learn more about interior trends,
our social projects, artists and much more

His belly shows a big scar that reminds him of an episode spent in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Rio. He is the photographer of this picture – Andreas Weiser. It was a tough yet important time for him, he says. Ten years later in a tiny village on the Brazilian island […]

We have a winner in our photo competition! Daniel Schoenen raised 113,52 € for our projects with the sale of this photos. Today we sent him his Canon EOS D60. Congratulations Daniel!!! Simon Bode raised amazing 88,45 € and became second. We would, however, not only like to thank those two, but every single one of our photographers for […]

In this article our founder Thomas tells you how he spent Christmas 2008 as  “el Gringo Gigante” in Guatemala. “After graduation from university my two best friends and I went travelling to South and Central America. Before going back to Berlin, I spent two months in Guatemala, where I worked at the Vamos Adelante Foundation. […]

We have more great news. We just bought two piglets for a family in Myanmar. Within a few days we realised our second project. We are really overwhelmed by the fast growing project support we are generating together these days. Thanks to you we managed to close our second project just a few hours ago by […]

Yippie!!!!! Today we financed our first project!!! Thanks to your support, we could buy a family of the Tuareg nomads in Niger two young goats. With the animals the family can start to build a small herd which will be the basis for a new livelihood. Have a look at the project description on our […]

We are glad and proud that Steffen Rothammel is offering a fine selection of some his most beautiful photos on Photocircle. With the photo “Pause” from his great Cuba series the German photographer recently won the price of the jury in the German photo competition. With his photo “Getting together” he won a price at National Geographic. Because of […]

The german photographer Victoria Knobloch and the indian photographer Jagdev Singh met last year by chance in New Delhi. Immediately they felt a deep professional connection and realised that they had a related approach to photography. Therefore, they decided to make a photoseries together. They made a portrait about New Delhi, since they both are fascinated by this exuberant city. […]

As Photocircle was born in Berlin, we are glad to offer you more and more great photography from our city. Yesterday also Michael Belhadi joint our movement and we are glad to have him on borad. Check out his gallery HERE.  Other great artists from Berlin on Photocircle include Alexander Voss, Joachim Wagner, Ailine Liefeld, […]

Dear photographers, our new photo competition starts today! This time we tried really hard to organize a great price for the winner and we succeeded. Canon really liked the idea of this competition and is sponsoring a Canon EOS 60D / 18 – 55 mm which costs 1149 € in stores. Thank you Canon! Here […]

Dear Photocircle photographers, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to sell your work on Photocircle. That’s why developed a widget with which you can very easily promote your Photocircle gallery on your blog or website. We have already told you about this in our newsletter. The general feedback was really […]

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 421.567 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.725.360 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.