It's not without good reason that trees are part of many legends and stories. These robust and often very old inhabitants of our planet stand for stability, peace and wisdom. Find your favorite trees as beautiful art prints.
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You're looking for a specific picture? Or maybe you have a vague idea, but you're not exactly sure what would look best on your walls? We're happy to advise you on all questions around your concept as well as the selection of theme, colors and product type.
For each art print you buy, we plant trees in Äthiopien
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Funny thing, such a tree. When you are tired, you can rest on its trunk while lying on the grass. During the summer, you can find shade under its branches and as a child you could not get enough of climbing on its heavy trunk and grabbing its branches like a little monkey. Another advantage of the trees is that they look outrageously good as photo art on your living room wall. If you do not believe us, you can browse through this category and let the most beautiful examples be presented to you by our international artists around the world.
Did you find your favourite tree yet? Now this art piece only needs to find its way to your home or office. Our product options for the amazing photos and illustrations of trees include acrylic glass, Alu Dibond, canvas, world-class fine art paper, and posters - with or without frames. If you wish your picture of a tree to shine particularly bright green, we recommend choosing acrylic glass which adds an extra touch of saturation and depth to the image. Another great option, to create a more warm and natural touch, is canvas which even improves the sound installation in your home.
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