The world out there isn't always for you? We don't always love it either - and that's why the photo art in this category is a fantasy world of imaginative visual compositions and surreal collages representing everything but reality.
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You're looking for a specific picture? Or maybe you have a vague idea, but you're not exactly sure what would look best on your walls? We're happy to advise you on all questions around your concept as well as the selection of theme, colors and product type.
For each art print you buy, we plant trees in Äthiopien
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Your new wall art is ready to be hung on the wall. But how should you do it? Do you prefer brilliance and high quality? Then our premium product, our acrylic glass prints, is the perfect choice. If you prefer modern and elegant without glossiness, then our aluminum dibonds are ideal. If you lean towards a cozier, more traditional feel, our canvas prints or framed posters are the way to go. Our posters are our bestsellers and great for those with a suitable frame at home. No matter which product you choose, we guarantee you'll be delighted with the quality of our wall art. If you're unsure about the best product for your decor style, feel free to email us at We'll respond promptly and are happy to provide advice via email or phone.
At Photocircle, our core mission is straightforward: we aim to give back to the communities and nations that contribute to the uniqueness of our images. That's why for every art print sold, Photocircle and its artists donate part of the proceeds to a humanitarian, environmental or development project in the country or region where the picture is from. That way, we can give back to the people and places that make our images unique. As both Photocircle and its artists wave a part of the proceeds, you get beautiful art and the chance to make a difference without having to pay more yourself.
In 2020, we launched our reforestation project in Ethiopia. Our objective is to plant one million trees, a venture that will not only sequester millions of kilograms of CO₂ but also enhance the living standards of the inhabitants in our reforestation areas. Further information about our projects can be found in the 'About Us' section.
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