Project Goal: 355,00 € Financed: 355,00 € Missing: 0,00 €
With your help Photocircle e.V. can make a day away from their emergency shelter possible and invite about 50 kids to spend a day in the Berlin zoo.
Germany, Europe
About 50 children live in emergency accomodations in Alt-Moabit, Berlin. These kids don't have much more than a game and study room that has been provided by the initative 'Moabit helps!'. A lot of volunteer work helps them to gather basic necessities to live but there is still a lack for financial aid.
Photocircle e.V.'s first project will provide 50 refugee kids with the funds to visit the zoo and spend a day away from their make shift home. 355€ will pay for the entrance fee as well as for transportation to and from the zoo.
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