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Education through social Streetwork

A Project By Students Help to Live


Project Status

Project Goal: 480,00 €
Financed: 480,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

Education through social Streetwork

Project Goals

By supporting this project you enable Romani children in Skopje/Macedonia to take part in educational activities. We want to establish a dancing project for girls from the age of 8 to 14 in a youth centre. For 480 Euro we can buy 20 t-shirts, 20 pairs of shoes, 10 leggings, 10 skirts, 10 crowns, handicraft materials, two microphones and 30 toy hoops.


Project Location

Macedonia, Europe

Schüler helfen Leben Schüler helfen Leben
Schüler helfen Leben Schüler helfen Leben
Schüler helfen Leben Schüler helfen Leben

Project Details

Many Roma people in Macedonia's capital Skopje live in slums. The majority of them has no work and is living below the poverty line. Especially children and youngsters are suffering from the conditions. Many parents cannot enable their children to go to school for the required duration of eight years. The state hardly supports the young people. Additionally, discrimination by the Macedonian majority makes it even harder for children to attend school.

This is where the project steps in: Workers of the organization "Nadez" support children from Skopje as well as their families until they finish school, making sure that they have better chances for a self-determined future.

Apart from social work, Nadez' youth centre is an important column in their work. Every day, 60 children attend private lessons, get a warm meal, play and work creatively. With your help, we can finance a dancing project for girls from the age of 8 to 14 in which the children not only develop their own play in a group, but also make their own costumes. Apart from the fun with this work, the girls learn concentration and stamina - and get a boost within the Roma community. Finally, by attending the project, they also approach Nadez' other offers.


Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.