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Sponsor Sannchay in Cambodia

A Project By Plan International


Project Status

Project Goal: 336,00 €
Financed: 336,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

Sponsor Sannchay in Cambodia

Project Goals

This project supports ten-year-old girl Sannchay with a sponsorship for one year. The sponsorship provides health education, an improved schooling system and the access to safe drinking water in the region of Angkor Chum.

Project Location

Cambodia, Asia

Plan Plan
Plan Plan
Plan Plan

Project Details

Sannchay has just turned ten years old. She lives with her parents, a sister and three brothers in a wooden house with a rooftop made of palmleaves and grass. The house doesn't have a latrine. Sannchay's family uses wood as fuel for cooking and they carry their water from a bore well all year long. Sannchay suffered an accident some time ago and couldn't go to school during her recovery. She usually attends elementary school while her parents till the fields or tend the cattle. Other parents in the village weave baskets, produce fabrics and mats to sell at the market or go fishing at the lakes.

Sannchay and her family live in the area of Angkor Chum. By the funding of sponsorships the organisation Plan International has already started information campaigns about infectious diseases and their prevention in the area. Future projects will be about improving the educational infrastructure, providing access to safe drinking water and reinforcing children's rights in order to protect them from abuse. A sponsorship also helps to build additional latrines and to support different income projects by using existing local networks.

With this sponsorship you can contribute to communal development in the area of Angkor Chum. The sponsorship costs 28€ a month. According to the approach of Plan International this can be achieved by sustaining children's rights and by breaking the circle of poverty and the subsequent inability of children to participate in social processes. Children like Sannchay, their families and communities are thus actively involved in the projects and programmes funded by the sponsorship.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.