Until Midnight: 20% discount on all prints with the voucher code WALL20 – Calendars are already discounted!Until Midnight: 20% discount on all prints with the voucher code WALL20 – Calendars are already discounted!
Since the beginning of 2021 we have been able to plant
422.205 trees
in Ethiopia so far - these trees are estimated to absorb
kg CO₂ within the next five years
Wall art by Djibril Drame
from Los Angels, , Senegal
Find out more about Djibril Drame
Djibril Drame is a young visual artist, journalist and publicist with over 10 years of experience. He is
known amongst his visual peers as “Gadaay/GodEye”. Djibril, well connected in the artistic world, embarked on many exhibitions and competitions in Europe to share his work through his popular art collection known as “My Colored City” where he pushes the envelope of the Senegalese street art and the talents that play a great part such as graffiti artists, hip hop activists and ambassadors of the urban culture.
Djibril Drame is among the pioneers and activists in the urban community who have traveled internationally due to his striking talents and captivating photography. While still conducting his own blog “www.peuplesenegalais.net” where he makes time to help expose the dynamics of the young Senegalese change makers locally and abroad about captivating topics we face in the Senegalese
daily life and bringing light to social issues.
Gadaay hardly entered photography in 2007, shortly after to participate as one of the youngest artistic photographer in the book "Dakar Emoi" editions of Vives Voix. Right after this project, he joined the daily popular newspaper L’As where he hosted for one year a section of photographs called "A picture is worth 1000 words." In 2010, his art is exported internationally, where he represented Senegal in an international event of contemporary art at the GRAFFRICA Festival (Las Palmas), in 2011 at the Festival of the City of Tarifa (Spain) and so many more.
GodEye is among a creative network of trendsetters and young artists in Senegal, in their own right, whether it be fashion, visual art, communications, dance or entrepreneurship. Down the line, GodEye aims to continue to share his expertise and experience by giving back to his community with the creation of his Visual Art & Communications Academy. He dreams of a bringing the true image of Africa to the world one country at a time and creating future ambassadors to continue this legacy.
Djibril Drame is skilled in communications, mentoring young talents, leadership, management, working with others to achieve a main goal by contributing his experience and knowledge. He has worked with many NGOs and Top Companies in Senegal. Djibril Drame earned his Bachelors in Communications and Journalism with concentration in public relations at the Institut des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication in Senegal.
For each art print you buy, Djibril Drame and Photocircle plant trees in Ethiopia.
Since the beginning of 2021 we have been able to plant
422.205 trees
in Ethiopia so far - these trees are estimated to absorb
kg CO₂ within the next five years
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Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.205 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.776.400 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.
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