Our newest Team member: Intern Caroline

Her fascination for photography started relatively early and she has had a camera for as long as she can remember. In the past she worked as a photographer in Canada and for music festivals. Now she prefers to remain behind the scenes rather than behind the camera. She always enjoyed to get in touch with the people and the nature that she encountered on during her travels and has had the most beautiful and exciting experiences while leaving the given paths. She recently talked to a homeless street musician after taking pictures of him. He said that it is sad how people and especially tourists judge without even making an effort to know the reason for his unfortunate situation. After that experience, working for Photocircle seems be the perfect way for her to give something back to people like him, to achieve something good through photography.

Caroline has always loved to learn languages and about other cultures. After the obligatory English lessons in school, she started to learn French. She felt that two languages would not be enough and jumped into learning Chinese and later Spanish. When she was younger learning all these things resulted in the most random career aspirations: Being a doctor for traditional Chinese medicine or being a travel author are just two of them. The only thing they had in common was the certainty of living abroad for some time. Being only 24 she has already lived in France, China, the US and Canada for short periods of her live. She would love to learn more languages like Arabic or Russian and will certainly tackle that challenge in the future. She has been studying applied media science in Ilmenau since 2009 and is almost done with her bachelor’s degree.

Among her favorite photographs are the Italian family portraits by French photographer Patrick Faigenbaum from the mid 80’s. She thinks the staging of the families in their mansions brilliantly captures the moment as well as the soul of the outdated family hierarchy.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.535 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.802.800 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.