Many of the guest workers living in Germany spend their nights in campers or caravans near the construction site where they work during the day. This photo series shows the ‘temporary housing’ of these people. There are no faces, because they live in the shadows of our society. The photographer Franz Sussbauer sells this series exclusively on Photocircle. With his sales he supports a dance project for Roma girls in Skopje, Macedonia.

Swagmans home I by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home II by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home III by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home IV by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home V by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home VI by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home VII by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home IIX by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home IX by Franz Sussbauer

Swagmans home X by Franz Sussbauer