Project in Berlin Completed

Schülerpaten Berlin e.V.

Thanks to your amazing support, we could finance our second project in Berlin. With the project support gathered over the last months we are now able to improve the educational opportunities of three children with Arab migrant background in Berlin by giving them private lessons and coaching.

The outstanding work and engagement of Schülerpaten Berlin improves the educational opportunities of many children in Berlin that would otherwise likely take another path in life. At the same time, university students show an enormous potential to engage in volunteer work. Schülerpaten Berlin e.V. provides a platform to bring both volunteers and children together in a one-on-one mentorship relation.

This project seeks to pave the way for better educational opportunities by individual tutoring, to broaden the horizon of both kids and tutors and to enhance cultural exchange. Seminars for volunteers convey educational skills as well as knowledge and understanding of the Arab culture. Al Nadi, a consulting center for Arab women in Berlin, matches mentors and mentees. The training and placement of one volunteer costs 150 €. With your support, Schülerpaten e.V. will be able to train and place tutors for three more children.

At the same time, university students show an enormous potential to engage in volunteer work. Schülerpaten Berlin e.V. provides a platform to bring both volunteers and children together in a one-on-one mentorship relation.

This project seeks to pave the way for better educational opportunities by individual tutoring, to broaden the horizon of both kids and tutors and to enhance cultural exchange. Seminars for volunteers convey educational skills as well as knowledge and understanding of the Arab culture. Al Nadi, a consulting center for Arab women in Berlin, matches mentors and mentees. The training and placement of one volunteer costs 150 €.

Thanks to our project, Schülerpaten e.V. will be able to train and place tutors for three children.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.