Finalist in the Enorm social entpreneur competition

Wir sind Finalisten im Enorm Sozialunternehmer Wettbewerb. Unterstützt uns und wählt für uns, damit wir viele soziale Projekte unterstützen können.

We are happy and pronounce that we made it inot the final of the Enorm social entrepreneur competition. And this although we only hace a basic prelaunch site and blog so far. Of course this will change in a few weeks from now and we all cannot wait until the moment we finally launch. But so far, we convinced the jury with our concept and vision and this actually made us even more proud and glad. If you should happen to read the enorm magazin regularily, vote for us and then drop by in our office. We will gladly invite you to a beer and chat with you. We might consider this even if you don’t vote for us though….

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.535 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.802.800 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.