Putting people back in the picture

Art for a better world? You know that one already. Now it’s time for us to spread our wings and introduce ourselves to a new audience, at a great location:

What? Exhibition opening and live music by Jillski

When? October 7th from 5pm

Where? KUNST100, Görlitzer Str. 52, 10997 Berlin


KUNST100 is a young art marketplace in Berlin that promotes ambitious young artists and makes art in a realistic price segment accessible to everyone. The concept is simple: artworks for less than EUR 100. KUNST100 puts emphasis on the passionate and fair collaboration between companies, art collectors and numerous local as well as international artists. As part of the collaboration with its 125 artists, the team makes sure not to buy any licenses, and thereby resist the economic exploitation of artists.

Together, the two Berlin galleries curated an exhibition of works from both portfolios. We will kick it off with a vernissage on October 7th from 5 pm at the KUNST100 gallery. In addition to artworks from a variety of places and genres, we will also be enjoying live music by Jilski: https://jilski.bandcamp.com

We look forward to seeing you!

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 422.293 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 33.783.440 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.