Everyday items from a new perspective: see a lamppost, a skateboard or a sofa through different eyes and explore the beauty of our still lives - moving wall art of unmoving things.
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Still lives present an everyday item in a creative way. Our international photographers are able to transform common objects into art. By the help of different angles the everyday item appears in a new light. Hectic and loud areas are changing into its opposite and turn into a relaxed environment. The pictures of the category 'still life' give space for interpretation. An interplay between colors and formal connections render the picture alive. They are necessary in order to understand the content.
Try out other categories, such as our surf collection or waves prints. You're looking for a particular photographer? Just enter the name and you will find several photos.
No matter how beautiful our pictures are, the way you present them is crucial to support their expressiveness. Want to show your favorite photograph at its best ? How about presenting the traffic light from New York on a glamorous acrylic glass or a classical - VW beetle on canvas?
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