Paris has more to offer than just the Eiffel Tower! Discover hidden places and wander the hills of Montmartre with our artists. Bring the romantic Paris flair right into your living room with our Paris wall art.
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Paris, Paris, Paris - the city on the Seine is not only the largest but also the capital of France; nearly two and a half million inhabitants and their high political, cultural and economic importance make Paris one of the leading cities in the Western world. Paris is divided into 20 so-called arrondissements (city districts) and it is the headquartered of UNESCO, the International Chamber of Commerce, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Paris has international fame mainly due its architectural and artistic heritage, its important role in the fashion world, and of course, as a city of love. Known for a song "Sous le ciel de Paris marchent des amoureux" (Under the Parisian sky walk the lovers), the legendary Edith Piaf tells a story of her city. Nowadays, the romantic couples showcase their love at the Pont des Arts -bridge which has become a cult symbol for the lovers of the world. Curiously enough, the magnificent edifice threatens to break under the weight of too much love; at the bridge, couples swear mutual loyalty by attaching metal locks ("cadenas d'amour") with their initials or names to the railing.
There are hardly other city monuments as known as the Eiffel tower which are still well preserved. Our photographers and illustrators have captured not only the tower itself but also the view from the observation deck as photo art for you. If you’re not one of the lucky ones to visit this amazement in the near future, you can enjoy the Parisian ‘Savoir Vivre’ on the spot in your own home; simply take a piece of Paris into your living room with our fine art photography. Order your favourite photos and brighten up your four walls with our photo art from Paris and our illustrations of the city of love as acrylic glass prints, Alu Dibond, fine art, canvas, and as posters - with or without frames.
If you like other big cities as well, have a look at our Berlin wall art or New York prints. These cosmopolitan cities will bring the big urban flair into your own home.
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