Wandbilder in Galerie-Qualität Unsere Kunst pflanzt Bäume

Little Hmong boy playing with a tire in Laos

This photo shows a little hmong boy playing with a tire. The foto was taken in a small viallge near Luang Prabang. Soon you will be able to buy similar photos on our platform and support social projects around the globe.

This photo shows a little hmong boy playing with a tire. The picture was taken in a small village near Luang Prabang, Laos during Hmong near year’s celebration. Print your photos on www.photocircle.net and support social projects in this beautiful region.

Tree Amount
Seit 2021 konnten wir dank unserer Bildverkäufe bereits 422.535 Bäume pflanzen. Diese Bäume werden innerhalb der nächsten fünf Jahre ca. 33.802.800 kg CO₂ aufnehmen und verbessern zudem die Lebensbedingungen der Menschen vorort.